Toxic Plants To Avoid For Your Pets

Toxic Plants To Avoid For Your Pets

There are tons of plants that are 100% safe to plant if you’re also a dog or cat lover, but as you know, there’s a number that will do a number on Poppy and Fluffy. Some toxic plants can simply cause an upset stomach, but others can cause liver failure and even death, so it’s essential to remain aware. The best advice is to never have any known toxic plant on your property on in your house, but that’s not always possible (and your pet may ingest a poisonous plant away from home). Let’s take a look at some of the most toxic plants for dogs and cats, and what to do if you think they’ve eaten something that could harm them.

Plants Toxic to Dogs

While we can’t list every single plant that is known to be toxic to dogs, we’ve gathered some of the most common for you here. For a full listing, the ASPCA has an extensive list of plants that are poisonous to pets, with the ability to search for those specific to dogs or cats.

Sago palm
Amaryllis Holly
Chinese Evergreen
Cyclamen Daffodil
Hydrangea Lantana
Dahlia English Ivy
Golden Pothos Hosta
Lemongrass Oleander
Paperwhite Azalea
Begonia Boxwood
Caladium Clematis
Elephant Ears Nandina
Kalanchoe Morning Glory
Peace Lily

Plants Toxic to Cats

Here’s a partial list of the most common plants that are poisonous to kitties, and as with those the dog-related list, please refer to the ASPC website and complete a search for plants that are specifically toxic to cats.

Amaryllis Lily of the Valley
Castor Bean Daffodil
Hyacinth Lantana
English Ivy
Pothos Calla Lily
Butterfly Iris
Spanish Thyme
Peace Lily

Tips if Your Pet Eats a Toxic Plant

You may or may not be completely aware when, if, or what your pet ate that may be making them ill. If you suspect your dog or cat has ingested a toxic plant, or if you know for sure because you observed it happening, there are quick action steps that you’ll need to take. 

  1. Print out emergency phone numbers for quick reference. This includes your regular vet, an emergency vet, and a poison control number like the one listed below. Put them in a prominent place like on the side of your fridge for easy and quick access.
  2. Call your vet. Obviously, this is a quick call during regular business hours — they will ask you what you believe your pet ingested, what their symptoms are, and will likely have you bring your pet in for an exam/treatment. 
  3. Call the ASPCA’s Animal Poison Control Hotline at 888-426-4435 (available 24 hours a day, 365 days a year). They can quickly tell you if the plant is toxic, how toxic it is, and what you should do. 
  4. Bring your pet to an emergency vet. If it’s after regular business hours, your vet will be closed. Know ahead of time what emergency vets are in your area, and give them a call to let them know you’re on the way.
  5. Bring a sample of the plant you think they may have eaten. Yes, we’re gardeners, but we don’t always know the names of every single plant, especially under stress. Bring it with you if you’re able.
  6. Do not try to treat at home. If you observe anything like excessive vomiting, obvious distress, seizures, muscle tremors, excessive drooling, labored breathing, lethargy, or anything else that is not normal for your dog or cat, don’t try to treat at home. Make a call and take them in — time could be of the essence.
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