Horseradish Planting & Growing Guide

Whether it’s adding a fiery bite to a shrimp cocktail or making a savory condiment for meats, nothing tastes like Horseradish. In addition to all its culinary uses, it has long been used for medicinal purposes on account of its antibacterial properties. You can be harvesting your own home-grown Horseradish in a matter of months when you plant root sets and follow our easy growing guide. Read on!

  • Planting Depth
    Plant sets 1 in. below soil line. Needs deep rich soil for root growth.
  • Planting Proximity
    12-18 in.
  • Planting Season
  • Plant Benefits
    Horseradish has been grown for medicinal uses.
  • Water Quantity
  • Bloom Season
    Harvest roots in Late Fall
  • Sunlight Quantity
    Full Sun
  • Hardiness Zones
    Zones 3-8. Not suited for Southern climates.

Additional Growing Information

Where to Plant Horseradish

Plant in full sun in light-textured, well-draining soil. In areas with heavy clay soil, plant Horseradish in raised bed or containers.

When to Plant Horseradish

Plant Horseradish in early spring as soon as the soil is workable.

How to Plant Horseradish

  • Find a location with full sun and well-draining soil. If you notice that water still puddles 5 to 6 hours after a hard rain, it's best to find a different spot or plant in a raised bed or container.
  • Spade or till the soil to make sure there are no clods or stones for a depth of 10 inches.
  • Add a generous amount of compost or decomposed manure and work it into the soil. Allow the prepared soil to settle for a few days before planting.
  • Plant the Horseradish sets (root cuttings) vertically or at a 45-degree angle, spacing them about 1’ apart and covering the tops with 2 - 3” of soil. Tamp the soil down firmly.
  • Water thoroughly after planting to settle the soil around the roots.

How to Grow Horseradish

  • Water at least once a week, more often in warm weather; 1” of water at a time is a good estimate. Uneven watering may cause the roots to split.
  • Add a layer of compost to the surrounding soil to improve drainage, reduce evaporation, and keep competing weeds at bay.
  • Harvest Horseradish in the fall, using a shovel or spading fork to lift the roots. Trim the green tops down to 1” and trim off all the side and bottom roots.

Horseradish Tips & Tricks

  • For the best quality, when the leaves are 8 - 10” long carefully push the soil away from the upper end of the root. Remove all but the best sprout or crown of leaves and rub off all of the side roots before replacing the soil back around the main root. Repeat this process one more time 6 weeks later.
  • Use floating row covers to prevent damage from insect pests such as horseradish flea beetle. Sprinkling the plants with wood ash can also act as a deterrent.
  • Store the harvested roots in moist sand somewhere cool and dark, such as a cellar or garage.
  • Horseradish can also be overwintered in the ground and harvested in the spring as soon as new growth starts to appear.